Identifying opportunity & realising potential

Digital4s [Digital Force] Ventures is a Venture-Builder, Start-Up Studio and Investment Group leveraging the digital force. We invest in, design and engineer business models, raise capital, staff resources, host develop technology, support with legals, find co-founders and support our online platforms with effective marketing campaigns.
Digital4s Venture Builder is building powerful networks and ecosystems from which we draw cost effective high quality resources. We are build on the values of capital commitment, industry experience (market knowledge, know-how, and operational expertise), a strong desire to build something new, either from a new markets or a new tech perspective. We have a natural gravitation towards collaboration and aggressive business management techniques to constantly innovate and build and luanch online platforms.
Our main goal is first and foremost to help new ventures succeed; and secondly, to make money for the us and our co-investors. Simply put, this second goal will follow as the first goal is achieved. Unlike 99% of VC firms Digital4s Venture builder only use its own funds in its investments – simple outcome being we are truly invested in each project. Digital4s Ventures activities started in Sydney Australia in 2014.
We understand the start-up world and the game of timing, time to market, financing, digital strategy, planning, product development, market fit and scaling. We have an extensive network in Australia, APAC and internationally who support the investee comapanies to maximising its online potential. Our extensive network brings considerable skills and experience to projects and transactions.

Fredrik Orrenius
Founding partner, co-founder and advisor in several emerging technology ventures with solutions ranging from Mobile Payments, Invoicing/CRM, Music Discovery, Analytics, Digital Marketing, eCommerce, Customer Experience Management / System of Engagement and Classifieds in real estate / cars / Jobs. Founding Partner & CEO of Emerging Classifieds Ventures with operation in over 60 countries.
Senior level experience in strategy, management, sales and marketing, operations and organisational structures in both the corporate world and start-ups. Global outlook and broad international experience gained in Europe, the Nordic countries, Baltic States, Russia, United States, Canada, Australia and Asia.
Grew up in Stockholm, educated at McGill University Canada and lives permanently in Sydney.

Axel Peyriere
Serial entrepreneur with 10+ start ups under his belt. Specialized in emerging and frontier markets such as Africa, Asia, South East Asia, Pacific, Central America as well as Europe and Australia.
+15 years’ experience in digital marketing, startups and entrepreneurship both starting and mentoring 100+ digital startups from Europe, India, Africa, Oceania and Asia.
Founding Partner & COO of Emerging Classifieds Ventures with operation in over 50 countries. He is also a co-founder and Curator at startup/angels, a Asia wide network of gathering entrepreneurs, C-level, founders, startups with angels and investors.
Master’s degree in Marketing & Advertising from Institut Supérieur de Gestion in France.

Petra Orrenius
Former CEO for Publicis Stockholm, one of Sweden’s biggest advertising agencies. 10+ years creating lasting strategies and campaigns for global brands such as Adidas, Coca-Cola, Ericsson L’Oréal, Sara Lee, Sodexho, Orla, Weightwatchers to name a few.
Retail Strategist and Director at Retail Oasis in Australia. Head of Marketing at Sumo Salad with 120 stores in Australia, Singapore, US and Dubai. She is also the founder the e-commerce fashion business ’addicted worldwide’.
Past Vice Chairman at Childrens foundation / Barnfonden Charity in Sweden, Vice Chairman at Swedish National Association of Communication Agencies and Member of the Board at Digital4S Ventures investments.

Federico Orsi
Experience from many start-ups around the world. +10 years experience from business consulting: Deloitte, Cypress Advisors, First Corporate Finance.
Specialized in financial models, pro-forma budgeting, cash Management, Strategic and financial planning, Business Value Management and Start-up consulting, M&A, Investment analysis, financial ratios, Break-even analysis, discount rate calculations, capital markets, business plans, strategic planning and due diligence, investment banking and corporate finance.
Bachelor in Business Administration, Universidad Austral (awarded gold medal for best average). Professor and speaker on finance subjects. 1° place Award for Academic Excellence (Fundación Deloitte, 2009 and 2010).