
Investment Update: Launching the Worlds First Universal Invoicing Platform for Micro Businesses, the simple, time-saving and free online invoicing solution for small businesses, is proud to announce its soft launch of the worlds first universal invoicing platform enabling any small business operator on earth to invoice in their own currency, tax nomination and language.  This will be a massive benefit for start-ups, micro business and SME’s right across the globe.

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Investment Update: Balandra is Nominated One of Five ‘Gartner Cool Vendors in BPM for 2015’

Gartner’s Cool Vendor reports identify technology vendors that bring a new approach to the market, offering unique and innovative products and services that have real market impact. In the BPM report, Balandra Software is one of the 5 cool vendors selected globally, from whom Gartner’s analysts say:

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Investment Update: Stock Trading Platform Simply Wall Street in Strategic Partnership with NAB

From Australian Financial Review April 18.

National Australia Bank has signed a commercial arrangement with fintech start-up Simply Wall Street, which aims to make it easier for people to invest in share markets, and will use it to entice back dormant customers.
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